The Offshore Oil Rig Industry

The offshore oil rigs industry is right now booming, with lots of offshore oil rig jobs needed to crew members the new drilling offshore oil rigs. 

Top economists project the oil boom to last the next fourteen to twenty years that is likely going to lead to offshore oil rig jobs outstripping financial and IT jobs. While a lot of people are puzzled about how to get started on offshore oil rigs, the truth is that if you are young, fit, hard-working and willing to get your hands dirty, you must have no trouble getting started on offshore oil rigs. 
If you don't have any previous experience on oil rigs, the best way to get started on offshore oil rigs is to get a job on a land-based oil rig platform. You may get hired as a roustabout on oil rigs, basically a general laborer, work hard for six months and climb up the ladder to the position of roughneck on oil rigs. As a roughneck, you are still going to do a lot of manual labor, but you can also have a chance to supervise a few roustabouts and help out the more specialized positions like the derrick hands and drillers on oil rigs. You have to show the right attitude on the oil rig platform, work hard and you can find yourself promoted all the way up to driller (second highest rank on the offshore oil rig platform) in five years. 
A university degree isn't very useful onboard an oil rig platform. On the other hand, a useful technical certificate or diploma for work on offshore oil rigs, for example as an electrician or mechanic, may land you a oil rig job in the motor room or electrical department. These aren't the only useful trade skills onboard an offshore oil rigs. The oil rig crew should eat, so a good cook is always welcome onboard the offshore oil rigs. A medic also plays avaluable part on the offshore oil rigs. Even though modern technology, an offshore oil rig jobs are still pretty hazardous places to work in. Accidents occur, and a medic always has work to do. 

Offshore Oil Rig Jobs

An important point to keep in mind is that an offshore oil rig is covered under maritime law. Therefore,it's good if you take the trouble to get a basic working knowledge of how it is going to affect you. Besides this, there are vaccinations and skills certifications specific to where the offshore oil rig is positioned. For example, in the United Kingdom you should take an offshore survival and firefighting course. Different Canadian provinces have their own First Aid certifications. And different US states have their own requirements when it comes to offshore oil rig jobs
As you may see, there isn't any secret to getting started in offshore oil rig jobs. Just start small, onshore, from the bottom of the offshore oil rig industry. Once you prove yourself as a good offshore oil rig worker, you may then move to the more lucrative offshore drilling rigs.